

I started this blog to help myself track my fashion evolution. I have gotten a lot of inspiration from other bloggers out there, and maybe someday I can do the same for someone else.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 14

I saved my pencil skirt for Valentine's Day because it is quite tight.  Any maybe a wee bit too short for work, especially without tights.  But I wore it anyway.  I only saw one other person (besides hubby) all day.  I'll play it a bit safer next time.

On another note, I've been letting my hair just air dry without any product or anything.  I think it actually looks decent, and it's much better on my hair than drying it every time.  I might have to take a straight iron to my bangs though.  This way they sit right on my forehead and get greasy much faster.

Sorry the grass swallowed my feet again...

Shirt:  Target
Skirt:  eBay
Shoes:  Soda
Necklace:  eBay

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