

I started this blog to help myself track my fashion evolution. I have gotten a lot of inspiration from other bloggers out there, and maybe someday I can do the same for someone else.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I bought this lace top online several months ago, and it looks much more peachy than in did in the pictures.  That wasn't really a killer, but it is much harder to find colors it goes with that plain old nude would have been.  This is my favorite way I have worn it so far.  The shirts just seem perfect together.  I just wish I had a floaty white skirt to go with it.  And some nude heels (or sandals if it was warmer) would help too.  Guess I have some things to add to my thrift store list.

These horses belong to our backyard neighbors.  They always run over to say hello when we are in the park next door in hopes that we will reach the yummy long green grass for them.  I'll have to remember to take some carrots over next time.

Lace shirt:  Asos
Pink Shirt:  Downeast Outfitters
Pants:  The Limited
Necklace:  Downeast Outfitters
Flower clip:  Booth at Renaissance Faire
Shoes:  Soda

1 comment:

Gayle said...

LOVE the lace - and the flower on the pearl necklace - very cute!